reprieve for the candy striper

nursemyra is moving house tomorrow. unfortunately, my new apartment will not have an internet connection for two weeks so it’s highly unlikely I will be able to blog for some time. can I go cold turkey?

maybe yes maybe no. perhaps I’ll borrow a laptop from somewhere or get to an internet cafe if the withdrawal symptoms are too severe.

you know I’ll miss you all so don’t forget to leave a comment or two and press the “fuelmyblog” widget on the right hand side of the screen. I’ve taken extra photos to make up for not posting the usual Corset Friday. some of the angles are quite strange but I was trying to show an equal number of front and back views. #6 is a kneeling shot, the backs of these stockings are really pretty though I need longer arms to do them justice

3.jpg1.jpg4.jpg2.jpg 71.jpg6.jpg 5.jpg8.jpg


Published in: on April 3, 2008 at 8:06 am  Comments (73)  

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73 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. There’s plenty to rummage through there young Nursey.

    Hope all goes well, and you don’t lose your way.

    *public hugs*

  2. thanks daddyp xx

  3. I’m sure you can go cold turkey, but can we? Thanks for the extra stash to tide us over 😉

  4. Lovely stripes, and I adore those stockings!

  5. Good Luck with the move…And the pics are wunnerful. Cheers!!

  6. all that fashion stuff about horizontal stripes? forget it – if you’ve got a perfect body you can wear any ol’ kind of stripes you want to! good luck with the move!

  7. I hope your move is as painless as possible, sweetheart. Your pictures are tres magnifique, as always. The stripes and the stockings suit you well.

    Be careful when in San Francisco: if I grab onto you, I will never let go! 🙂

  8. I give you three days and then I fully expect to see another post 😉 Good luck with the moving on xx

  9. My Fridays just got a lot more boring.

    you could spend the next couple of fridays looking back at all the old friday photos 🙂

  10. Somewhere, on some secret blog no one knows about, there are pictures of nothing but your face – and everyone ooohs and aaaahs with equal appreciation.

    Now, don’t go rupturing a disc hoisting the sofa, that’s what the offspring are for. And hurry the hell back!

  11. Sweet merciful God! A kneeling shot. I’ll just sit here quietly for a while.

  12. Wonderful stockings …. good luck, my dear friend. with the move. Don’t stay away too long x 🙂

  13. Here’s wishing you well in the new place. And my, what a nice waist you have!

  14. Nice series of pix!

  15. You may not have internet access, but your camera is still going to work. Can we get a casual weekend photo-spread once you return to the Net? Emphasis on “spread.”

  16. My bet is you will not be able to stand not blogging for that long, but enjoy your “vacation” from it as much as you can.

    I am so jealous of your figure, by the way.

    See you in a couple of weeks.

  17. Two weeks?! Christ…
    Good luck w/ the move.

  18. Good heavens! What a fine selection of photographs, m’dear! Truly, you are spoiling us!…

    I do hope your move is as stress-free as possible, and that you return to us ASAP!

    In the meanwhile, I have some unloading of my own to do…


  19. Oh my god!!!!

    The question is can WE go cold turkey???

    Good luck with the move and hopefully we can expect some SPECIAL pics when you return…


  20. No internet connection for two weeks??? What crappy service.

    Hope the move goes as painlessly as possible. *hug*

  21. Don’t strain anything lifting heavy objects! Unless of course you’re working out with your “egg!” 😉

  22. stripes become you, nursemyra.
    when you come back, how about a christine keeler shot, to make up for the two week hiatus?

  23. Whats that peeking out from that top right pic… cheeky nurse. Two weeks… god its just to long.

  24. Hey, good luck! Really going to miss you. Get moved soon. BB

  25. A perfectly spherical nipple, eh? That’s a rare thing, and I hope you treasure it. I say it, because your left one could look like Australia for all I know. I’d need a photo to be sure.

  26. Someone needs to buy you a tripod and a camera with a remote! Better yet, ask someone to take the pics for you. I find it hard to believe any guy (or even a girl) would say “No” to that.

  27. Nurse – Once again you have solidified your role as my muse. The pictures are lovely and sex as always!!! Thank you. and I am enjoying your gift as well. Thank for that, you are the best.

  28. Jeesus, marry me please.

  29. Hope the move goes well and you don’t lose any furniture to mishaps. Although it looks like you’ve already had one wardrobe malfunction…

  30. hurry up…it has been too long already!
    not a cellulite in sight, what’s your secret?

  31. […] now have to endure a Friday without the incredible, edible nursemyra’s contribution to the beautification of the planet – her weekly corset […]

  32. We miss you nursemyra!!!!!!!!

  33. fridays come and gone… and still no nursie.

  34. NurseMyra…come back NurseMyra…we miss you…(this is kind of like the end of the movie Shane.)

  35. I love the stockings and your top/corset little skirt thing! Come back soon please!

  36. Miss you already.

    Are you familiar with this photo?


  37. are you back tomorrow? 17th is 2 weeks ! Hope all has gone well my friend 🙂

  38. I have rubbed myself raw over the pictures you left us with, m’dear, but I fear I may need a fresh supply of stunning Nurse shots very soon.

    You had better be returning to us post-haste!


  39. hey thanks everyone for leaving comments and not forgetting me. I still don’t have an internet connection at home and for obvious reasons cannot blog about the gimcrack at work.

    I’m having serious withdrawals – I wonder if that’s why I also seem to have come down with the ‘flu at the same time 😦

  40. Hope you’re feeling better soon. *hug*

  41. sounds like a bad attack of cold turkey sans blogging dear friend .. hope all is going well? x

  42. Hi Nursemyra. I hope you feel better and get reconnected soon.

  43. Please get well and come back soon. The world is a colder place without you.

  44. thanks for the messages. try and send good vibes to my new isp “” so I get connected soon.

    still sick. still missing everyone.

    hopefully it’s only a few days more to wait


  45.… *prays this is somehow a sign of things to come*

  46. Hah! It’s been two weeks already. Dam girl you are very brave. And I loooove the stockings!

  47. I have been to and returned from a week in Coral Bay where there was much pulchritude on display and my favourite nurse has still been ignored by the ISP’s of the world. sob. Will I ever recover from this deprivation?

  48. C’mon Nursie!! Enough is enough……;-)

  49. Have you installed the aviary yet 🙂 ??
    While you are still sick, get Joan London’s “The Good Parents” from the library and read every word. The world can wait for you to get better.

  50. Awesome pics! I enjoy (ed) them .

  51. The wait is long and hard, m’dear. Much like my proud member.

    I do hope you are getting better!


  52. this cutting edge technology really sucks. my new isp is supposed to be a standalone dryloop naked dsl but I can’t get it up and running. the latest news is I have to wait another week for a technician to come out and inspect the line to see what the problem is…..

    I’m going crazy 😦

  53. If you can’t get something naked “up”, what hope do the rest of us have?

  54. Well, at least you know that when you return, you’ll be welcomed back with the open arms and sighs of relief of your many friends and fans. 🙂

  55. “Standalonenaked” describes my weekdays, til Surftwin shows up on the weekends……;-)

  56. is it illegal or immoral to use someone else’s wireless? have just discovered my son’s laptop will open to the internet intermittently. the connection keeps dropping out and the speed is slower than dial up but I did manage to update my “movies” page and answer a couple of comments.

    wouldn’t want to be responsible for a neighbour exceeding their quota, so can someone let me know?

  57. one of my kids has been bootlegging a local, non-password protected wireless connection for a few months… other than perhaps risking some ‘unsafe’ online practices, i’m not sure it’ll screw things up horribly… then again, my kid lives next door to a bunch of hippie-stoners, so i doubt they’d notice anyway.

  58. PS: WE MISS YOU!!! Hope you’re at least feeling better!

  59. god …. even I am starting to ‘drum’ my fingers now !!

  60. is it illegal or immoral to use someone else’s wireless?
    Hey nm, I was thinking the “reprieve” has been long enough…
    Sorry to hear you’ve not been feeling well and that you are having ISP woes.
    As to the above question, the answer depends upon whom you ask. Really, better not to ask…

  61. is it illegal or immoral to use someone else’s wireless?

    Not if they’re stupid enough to leave it open.

    (PS – Nurse Myra, this conundrum will be meaningless to those in the States who do not have this One Horse Town style internet where one has to pay by bandwidth usage. Sigh.)

  62. Hi! I know you’re offline so I hope you don’t mind me coming back to look at the pictures – Take Care – Peter

  63. Just popped in to say HI and hope you’re back in the swing of this SOON Nursie! 🙂 Miss ya!!!

  64. At the rate this is reprieve is going, nursemyra, I think we need a Casual Week when you return to full blogging capacity.

  65. Where are you????

  66. *sniff* You are missed terribly out here… and not just because it’s friday!

  67. I know, DF, she is missed on Saturdays as well 😦

  68. awwww come on NM your provider is way taking the ‘mick’ now???????????!!

  69. yes it’s gone waaaaay past a ‘reprieve’ now. without going into the boring logistics it’s a problem located outside the MDF box but it’s taken several waiting periods between several technical visits to work out what the problem is 😦

    hopefully it will be up and running by monday afternoon.

    haven’t been able to access the intermittent wireless connection next door any more so this is being typed in a very noisy internet cafe – not conducive to nursemyra tales or downloading of photos.

    thanks for all the comments and for not forgetting about me. it’s been a miserable 4 weeks 😦

  70. No worries, nursemyra. We’re all grown ups. We can be patient…can’t we?

  71. I’m barely holding on.

  72. Hi Nurse Myra. I’m coming out of the shadows…I lurk no more. You are delectable. Hope you’re back soon!

  73. Jesus Christ youa re driving the boys nuts. Where are you already?

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