

of all the paraphilias this is the one with the longest name. Melcryptovestimentaphilia is the erotic attraction to black underwear. I totally get this one. And so does Isabella Rossellini who had this to say in her book “Some of Me”

In the course of describing her fashion style, for instance, there is an homage to her Dolce & Gabbana bra (complete with photo), which she likens to ”the one under the blouses of the Sicilian widows, under Anna Magnani’s slip in an Italian neorealistic film. This bra is a symbol of my ethnic identity…. My black Sicilian bra is like Angela Davis’s Afro hairdo.”


(not Isabella but I like the image)

For a bit of fun, here’s a quiz that says it can tell you what kind of underwear you are wearing based on the usual inane questions. Apparently I’m not wearing any…..


Published in: on February 3, 2009 at 6:54 am  Comments (31)  

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31 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I’d have to say white cotton underwear does more for me, on women of course.

  2. Black stockings. Nuff said.

  3. I did the survey & it said I’m wearing black.
    The sad thing was I then had to check to confirm it was right. These computorators are getting way too smart!

  4. I answered the quiz conscientiously, and they guessed I was wearing yellow underwear.


    I’m sure even the queen doesn’t wear yellow underwear.

    (Black, of course).

    Pil I have some yellow underwear. I’ll try to remember to wear it next time we play mah jongg 🙂

  5. It says I’m not wearing any either. How did it know?

  6. I won’t tell you the result ….. it’s best to keep you guessing ……..

  7. Hmm, me not wearing any either … then it called me a whore! Lol! Shhh, don’t tell anyone.

  8. Bang on for me too.

    How does it do that…?

  9. i only wear black unmtil they make something darker. the quiz had me naked, too. accurate at the moment…

  10. Strange, it said wasn’t wearing any either and then it called me a whore, maybe when i was younger but i’ve tried to settle down a bit. For the record, flannel boxers cuz it’s cold.

  11. No underwear and whore seems to be the default answer. Well, I have always liked Annie Sprinkle’s “40 Reasons Whores are my Heroes.”

    Black underwear rocks, though most days I have a sport bra on…

    I saw Annie Sprinkle perform live here in Sydney a few years back – she does a great show

  12. I don’t know what all the underwear fuss is about. I mean, you slap on a new pair at the beginning of the week and you’re good to go.

  13. I’m happy to see that this is such a common attraction that they needed to create a long name for it. Although, as you are well aware, I prefer the purity of white!

  14. Good Lord, it said Green. Does anyone wear green underwear…except perhaps C. Fraser by the end of the week.

  15. The Rev. is purported to be sporting black undies today…I shall neither confirm nor deny.

  16. I am a Melcryptovestimentaphiliac and I don’t want to be cured.

    that’s right unclekeith – stand up and be counted

  17. Oddly I’m not wearing any either. But I didn’t need a quiz to tell me that.

  18. PS Black lace is the best!

  19. I’m wearing my usual white boxers, though there are days when no underwear suits me better. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE black undergarments—on women. Then again, I love white undergarments on women…aw shit,I just love seeing women in their underwear! 😛

    I also love that ad by the incomparable Lili St. Cyr, one of my very first jerkoff fantasies when I was a lad, back in the days when ecdysiasts were called “striptease artists” instead of “strippers”.

  20. Tobymarx – why does your photo in my sidebar look different?

  21. I’m not wearing any either, Nursie!

  22. Different than the average Barbary Macaque? Only because I am shaved…

  23. I don’t suffer from Melcryptovestimentaphilia, I relish every moment of it.

  24. In re my current gravatar: expressive, is it not? :))

  25. yep… me too. a whore-ish nekkid guy.

  26. oh… i was supposed to take the quiz first, then get their answer? oops…

  27. It actually got my black boxers right.

  28. I’m naked from the waist down! Er, according to the quiz.

  29. I would expect someone who is Pure Evyl to be wearing black underwear

    quantumfauxpas: the quiz is not foolproof. I’m naked from the waist up

  30. Always wear pretty panties.

  31. pretty good advice twinny

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