the tennis treatment

recently nursemyra read a most interesting book called The Past of Pastimes (1969) and found out more than anyone ever needed to know about tennis.


image by Namio

Lord Abedare quotes from a French treatise on tennis and rheumatism, written in the 18th century: players should make a broad belt with a napkin and tighten it sufficiently by two knots on the kidneys. This binding will keep the body firmer, strengthen the guts, and uphold the liver against the frequent thrusts and shakes of the players, preventing it from pulling back the diaphragm by its weight, which would make for difficulty in breathing.”


Queen Elizabeth the First, whilst not a player, was an interested spectator at a match between the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Leicester. The latter, we are told….

‘being verie hotte and swetinge took the queen’s napken owte of her hande and wyped his face. The Duke protested that the Earl was too sawcie.”


nursemyra thinks the Earl could take lessons in ‘saucy’ from these gals…

Published in: on December 29, 2008 at 8:09 am  Comments (27)  

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27 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Oh my looks like a good game, nursy. Do you have to play it naked? Can boys play too?

  2. naked boys playing tennis? now I’m interested…..

  3. Ha Ha very funny nursy. I’ve looked tennis up on the net and you wouldn’t catch me dead playing that game naked. Everything jiggling around like that. we fight naked here sometimes inter village fights some of us cover ourselves in coconut oil before we fight. Oh the fight is a sport here. We don’t fight cause were angry or anything. On an Island this small you got to get on really well.

  4. Man, I am so tempted to grab daisyfae and come visit

  5. You might be ready for the island, but is he island ready for you?
    ps: You know you would be more than welcomed by us all nursy poo.

  6. If you and Daisy Fae go to the island, can I come too? Loved the naked tennis boy. He can eat crackers in my bed anytime.

  7. I’m all about adventure – tell me when and where. And if there are oil-covered boys wrasslin’? Damn…

    Regarding the tennis advice? My liver has greater threats than being jostled around while I play tennis…

  8. I’d like a one-on-one with the gal on the left with the red shoes.

  9. The naked girl on the far left is the only one wearing suitable footwear for a game of tennis.

  10. “sawcie” should be the new preferred spelling! How great is that! It even looks sinful.

  11. Sawcie indeed! I love that!

  12. Has nobody mentioned ball boys? ….. I’m rather surprised ……. I’ll just wait …….

  13. just have Fernando sent to my tent immediately ….. yum 🙂

  14. oh poor 70s. stuck in a tent at christmas time. of course I’ll send Fernando over straight away

  15. You’ve done it again nursie. Your site is now my number one destination for all my porny needs. How did you know my No.1 fantasy was to be smothered over a tennis net by a bird with a big arse?


  16. I’ll never look the same way again at the tennis balls I offer my clients for trigger point therapy.

  17. gay tennis, HOORAY!

  18. I’m thinking that Fernando probably knows a lot more about tennis than those young ladies you have posted pictures of. . . if they actually played tennis they’d probably have a few more muscles under all that smooth skin.

  19. Good point. #1 looks like she might be kind of active (note she is the one in sneakers, too), #2 looks like the product of dieting, #3 has dispiriting tube thighs and winged shoulderblades. It’s hard to tell about #4 because of the net’s shadows on her legs, though that’s some serious back she’s packin’. No arms, but maybe she rollerskates a little?

  20. Hurts my boobies just thinkin about nekked tennis! All that bouncin about …

  21. Sledpress: “dispiriting tube thighs”? wow…..

    Abigail: think about naked boy tennis instead

  22. Well look at her. The knees are pretty well locked out, and I can’t make out any of the curvature I’d expect on an athletic thigh — hamstring belly or vastus lateralis above the knee or that nice concavity that #2’s pose suggests along the iliotibial tract. No visible sweep to the anterior tibialis either (which I’d expect if she really played). Just sort of an unbroken cylinder. I realize I’m talking Double Dutch to the guys who just want her to swat their booties playfully with that tennis racket, but you can’t get the gym out of the girl.

  23. Yeah, the bods on those girls are definitely from starving dieting, not exercise.

  24. To comment intelligently on the muscular definition I’ll need a copy of that image in high res please. Always a pleasure stopping by here – haven’t had much of a chance lately. Hope 2009 brings you what you’re looking for (like the hair btw) xx BB

  25. Wait tennis… oh yes I see now they have raquets.

  26. they do?

  27. Yes, I found you have to look away from that damned near perfect arse on the right to see anything else. Shame really.

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