
when I left work on friday afternoon there were rumours of a gastro outbreak. one or two cases of diarrhea and a little vomiting, let’s not jump to conclusions while I’m still on duty.

but it appears the rumours were true so we’re in battle mode now. the dining room is closed and patients are confined to their cells rooms. this means tray service for all meals so nursemyra spent an hour or two in the kitchen artfully arranging scoops of mashed potato and ladling custard.


of course, it’s hard to make deaf or demented patients understand why they can’t keep traipsing around as usual, fingering whatever takes their fancy. nursemyra is gloved up to the elbows squirting microshield in every direction. can’t be taking any chances around leaky old people, especially those with an unidentified brown substance under their nails

because next weekend belly dancing lessons resume and I don’t want any nasty microbes interfering with my plans to look like this….


Published in: on July 16, 2007 at 9:37 am  Comments (13)  

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13 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. If you like, we can always do a live feed from my place and you can set up monitors at the GH rooms. I’m all for good sanitation . . .

  2. [swoon] I may have to increase my BP medications if this keeps up keeping up!

  3. LOL I have a DVD of bellydancing and I have been doing it in the living room every night after I get home from work I am sure it is a funny site!

  4. What is that poster? Mao’s Little Red Everyone Goes to the Potty Book? This was not the Circle of Life we were taught in Disney’s The Lion King.

  5. Do post a picture when your plans come to fruition. Sorry I’m a mite tardy I’ve been roped in to all kinds of nonsense in blogworld.

  6. FFF: there’s something vaguely unethical about your proposition. but maybe Poody would like to take you up on that offer

    Archie: yes, don’t neglect your meds. remember we can always resort to the needle

    Poody: FFF has an offer for you….

    RenalF: I just like the way he’s holding his nose. no further explanation needed 🙂

    DaddyP: I’ll be over to investigate shortly

  7. Upon eating a supper or two
    The inmates started to poo
    They’d squat by the lake
    A shit for to take
    Forgetting they might have a loo

  8. There’s a lot to be said for vague . . . .

  9. Better a podiatrist than a manicurist? Or does the unidentified brown substance find its way under toenails as well?

    Of course I’m *assuming* nails means finger…

  10. Letters: I see you’re in limerick mode again. is there a pattern to this phase?

    FFF: are you implying something or am I inferring up the wrong tree?

    RaJ: you assume correctly. gimcrack patients aren’t usually supple enough to stick their toes in the storage cupboard

  11. nursemyra,

    my limerick phases wax and wane
    is it becoming quite a pain?
    i try to keep it under check
    as i type these by hunt and peck
    but as you blog and i do read
    a limerick seems to be what i need
    to say the things that others don’t

    is it getting too much?
    tell me,
    then i won’t.

  12. haha… not at all…

  13. Oh god. You belly dancing. I’ve gone all faint.

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