sex aid of the week…… massage glove with vibrating fingers

back in Galen’s time (129-200), medical texts record how manipulation to orgasm was the standard treatment for “women’s diseases”. it was common for a physician to perform vaginal and vulval massage to benenfit his patients.

In 1660, Dr. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote about this type of service which his profession routinely provided, describing the skill required as not unlike “that game where children try to rub their stomachs with one hand and pat their head with another”. vulval massage to orgasm was a staple medical practice by the end of the 19th century, with some doctors recommending women come in for “treatments” on a weekly basis.

by 1906 exhausted physicians had a helping hand in the form of Vibration Therapy. women could now purchase a $5 portable vibrator rather than pay $2 a week for a visit to their doctor. advertisements sold machines with the promise of “30,000 thrilling, invigorating, penetrating, revitalising vibrations per minute”.

hmmm…. almost as exciting as nursemyra’s Sex Aid of the Week: massage gloves with “45,000 vibrations per minute” fingers!

I wonder if these would be good for my sore back…….

Published in: on May 25, 2008 at 8:15 am  Comments (26)  

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26 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. $2 !!! I wonder how much it would be today?? Just asking for a friend you understand 😉

  2. Just woke up, so nothing witty to offer, but I do love the Dr. Swift poster.

  3. I see my friend from “The Illuminati Trilogy” had a wide variety in his writing – good, good, good vibrations – – –

  4. Everything I think of saying is tooooooo rude …… so I’ll shut up [about time too]

  5. Obviously I am shocked. This article has now led to me re-evaluating why my mother insisted her doctor do so many house calls. Did he have a hand in her happiness?

  6. Perhaps i should ask if my mother’s hot cardiologist would offer such treatment?

  7. Busy Hands Are Happy Hands!

    Or so the saying goes.

    Mine need to get busy. Any volunteers?


  8. Dang…and i thought my 10,000 vibrations a minute fingers without the gloves was pretty darn good. Guess i need to practice more.

  9. Does the fact that women had to visit doctors to orgasm back then mean that their husbands had no idea how to make that happen? I am thinking that if a woman was “getting It” at home, she wouldn’t be visiting the Doc once a week.

  10. Not fair. Us blokes should get visits to massage parlours on the NHS.

    I was talking to the missus today about all the routine checks for cancer that women get that us blokes don’t. I was trying to persuade her she should go but she finds the exams embarassing.

    Don’t understand that, if I got an annual invite for a nurse to stick her finger up my bum to check for prostate cancer I would jump at it.

  11. if I got an annual invite for a nurse to stick her finger up my bum to check for prostate cancer I would jump at it.

    Two problems here:

    1. It’s always a male doctor, not a cute female nursed and

    2. They never spend any length of time at it.

    If both those problems were rectumfied, I’d have my prostate checked twice weekly…

  12. Jeeez. I think I’m not going to the right GP.

  13. I’ve ordered one to see if it improves my game of the tee!

  14. I believe they portrayed this therapy in “The Road to Wellville.” Nowadays, any doc providing this service would lose his license.

  15. It must be fun giving a woman her first orgasm. I think Queen Victoria may have described it as a “bewildering experience”.

  16. To think that this shit used to be legal . . .
    Go figger

  17. LOVE The Road to Wellville, Silverstar! 🙂

  18. Wow, and I thought the reason I didn’t understand The 5000 Fingers of Dr T was just ’cause it was weird.

    (Note to self: must re-watch).

  19. Would the Gimcrack allow me to open a practice for this service? For the nurses of course.

  20. have you got references ?


  21. “that game where children try to rub their stomachs with one hand and pat their head with another”.

    So thats how you get a women off…

  22. I’d check with each woman on an individual basis if I were you alex 🙂

  23. Shall I start with you dear nurse.

  24. […] of gimcrack hospital (PG). nursemyra scours the web to bring us lessons on some of the most interesting and/or depraved and/or disgusting items (usually) of a sexual nature that you are likely to ever […]

  25. hey thanks Rob. I love A Perfect Circle!

  26. where would i be able to find these gloves in-store around Los Angeles, CA?

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