rector rectifies laxity

Matthew Parris’s interesting book The Great Unfrocked tells tales about some assorted miscreants

In 1963, Reverend Eric Weeks outraged the parishioners of Ashbrittle by whacking his dairymaid with a walking stick during an argument. In response, the dairymaid, Mrs Mable Moon threw a bucket of dirty water over his head.

dairymaid’s smallpox

In January 1956, Reverend Richard Smart was reprimanded by his bishop after he undressed and spanked a bride-to-be in the vestry. He claimed he was angered by her laxity in religion and was trying to remedy this.


Reverend Eric Betteridge was gaoled for three months after he organised a strip teaseshow in his church while 74 year old Reverend Hugh Proctor was given a 6 month suspended sentence for playing strip poker with two youths.


Reverend Richard Mayes, known fondly as Ric the Vic, was gaoled in December 1977 for drug dealing and again in 1979 for assaulting a police officer. The following month he was arrested after two girls encountered the former curate stark naked in an Essex woods. On seeing the girls it is alleged he called out “Come over here my darlings”. When the police investigated he explained he had ‘a marvellous thing about primeval man’. Ric the Vic was last heard of living in a teepee near Aberystwyth.

not this teepee

Published in: on September 11, 2010 at 9:53 am  Comments (35)  
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35 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Gotta watch out for those holy men. Apparently they have lax morals. Or something.

    • They’re not wholly holy

  2. Would he have a woody in the woods?

  3. I remember Ric the Vic from the newspapers and the telly – he always struck me as being being rather nice ….. he certainly shook some cobwebs out of the church.

    • Not your average vicar certainly….

      • Thank you very much. Still living in a tipi after 36 years.

  4. He claimed he was angered by her laxity in religion and was trying to remedy this.

    They’re still using that same excuse today !

    • … and some people are still buying it.

  5. truthfully, the world would be boring without such people. i draw the line at hurting other people though. there is too much hurting going on, even in “civilized” countries.
    i’m excited to hear about your upcoming toilets post. do it! do it! you know you want to, you miscreant, you.

    • ok I’ll put it up next, but it does slightly duplicate some of the information in your link too.

  6. The wonderful thing about these people is the way they box themselves into a position of propriety — if that’s the right word — and then have to hunt for excuses for doing what they’ve probably been telling everyone else not to do.

    I was exhorted by a witnessing Campus Crusade for Christ guy back in college, and later he found some reason why he thought it was a good idea for me to walk on his back with my boots on, after which he abruptly disappeared into the men’s room for seven minutes.

    Pious upbringing is dangerous to mental health, I concluded.

    • Do you refer to him as “Bathroom Boy”?

      • Wow, a trampling fetishist. In the evangelism game? Who’da thought.

  7. No one escapes El Santo’s devastating Spank-o-Rama!

    • Do you moonlight as El Santo RF?

  8. Tsk tsk such naughty boys… I’m sure that they would have enjoyed being defrocked by a comely wench!

    • Or a pretty altar boy

  9. Ric the Vic. Hah! 🙂

    And though I didn’t comment on yesterday’s post, but Pablo is quite the handsome boy. And the sparklies are very attractive. 🙂

    • Thanks Nicole

  10. Spank me next!

    • Wait your turn sister – I’m first!

  11. I have always had my suspicions about some men of the cloth particularly the ones who ‘choose’ to be celibate….

    • Suspicious characters all of ’em.

  12. There used to be a “country vicar” who was quite well-known in Soho.Whether he was an ordained minister or just liked to wear a collar I don’t know, but once a month he was a front row patron at a strip joint.

  13. It doesn’t change either, I had a friend of mines preist tell them he did not feel they were donating enough the other day.

    • Malach – that is awful! Priests are such guilt-trippers.

  14. Not quite the Vicar of Dibley, were they? Maybe if they offered more of these services, people would come flocking back to the church.

  15. Your blog is WONDERFUL!
    And your mother lived in New Mexico? If she lived in northern NM I betcha she DID throw those kinds of dinner parties…you just didn’t know about it but it twisted you, didn’t it……..

    • She lived in Taos for about four years, I visited her there in 2001 – very pretty town.

  16. Reverend Hugh Proctor sounds like someone I could confess my sins to. I might go back to church if there were more priests like him.

  17. Just thought you’d like to know that Little Man asked when I was going over to your site so he could read Calvin and Hobbs. “It’s Sunday, Mom.” You’re a tradition in the Politico household, K.! Loved The Great Unfrocked…must find a copy for my other Ctholic School survivor friends.

  18. Where exactly do you put the TP in a teepee?

  19. A spanking in the vestry sounds like a pleasant way to pass a Sunday morning, and unfrocked? So much the better!

  20. People mistakenly think that smallpox is a thing of the past. It’s not.

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