Lorena and the crazy man who loves

Abdala Bucaram was President of Ecuador for six turbulent months.

Bucaram (on right) found here

In an effort to take attention away from a growing list of scandals and corruption allegations, Bucaram began to do what he did best – be himself. It started with the release of his music CD titled “A Crazy Man Who Loves”. Continuing to exploit the media, Bucaram shaved off his trademark moustache on live TV.

image found here

Alas, he had but one moustache to shave for his country, so he followed that up by inviting another famous/infamous Ecuadorian, Lorena Bobbitt, to have lunch with him at the national palace. Bucaram and Bobbitt both became godparents of the baby daughter of an Ecuadorean singer in the port city of Guayaquil. It isn’t known whether the cutlery included knives that day.

Lorena found here

President Bucaram not only attended the World Banana Queen contest, he grabbed the microphone and crooned to the winner, surrounded by scantily clad contestants. By this time, many in Ecuador had thought Bucaram’s antics had gone past comedic and into the realm of lunatic. When he slandered an ex-president by comparing him to a “burro” (donkey), he didn’t help matters. His public apology – not to the politician, but to donkeys – just made things worse.

Mr Bucaram cast a long shadow after he was stripped of his office on the grounds of mental incapacity in 1997 and the fabulous stories – of banknotes stuffed into rubbish bags and paintings removed from the walls of the presidential palace in the dying hours of his administration – began to come out. With demonstrations in the streets and the economy in shambles, the Ecuadorian Congress impeached Bucaram on the grounds of “mental disability” and he quickly flew to Panama to escape looming corruption charges.

image found here

In 2005 he returned to Ecuador after eight years in exile. First he descended from a helicopter into a pre-prepared adoring crowd (though not, as was his habit 20 years ago, in a Batman suit). Then he burst into song. Finally, he mounted a horse, declared himself “as crazy as ever”, and trotted with his lieutenants across a public park to Guayaquil’s waterfront, looking, in the words of a local lawyer whose office windows gave him a front-row seat, “like Attila and his Barbarian hordes”.

Gerard Butler as Attila the Hun found here

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46 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Ah, yes…the lovely Lorena. Wasn’t there a comic song, to the tune of Beverley Hillbillies, about her skill with the knife? Personally, I thought the surgeon’s was greater. 😉

    • the surgeon’s did an amazing job reattaching a prick to a prick

      • hahahahahahahahahaah!

  2. I will not comment on Australian politics! I must not comment on Australian politics! I should not comment on Australian politics! I shall not comment on Australian politics and the MP’s who say NO!

    Even a shrubbery would not make them happy.

  3. i would enjoy a president/crooner… i bet President Obama could belt out some showtunes if properly motivated!

  4. Atilla was no clown. Quite a tactician and politico. But you gotta love this guy. Central Am and South Am – leaders have always been a ship of fools.

  5. I’m kind of surprised Lorena didn’t win World Banana Queen that year.

  6. I have never seen Gerard Butler as Attila the Hun…I have a sudden urge to drive the 45 minutes into town to rent the film…YUM!

    • No kidding! I am wondering how I missed this one!

  7. Sounds like Ecuador is an interesting place to live.

  8. Bucaram is Ecuador’s answer to Jesse Ventura.

  9. I can think of a U.S. president who should have been impeached on the grounds of “mental disability.”

    • I can think of several…..

  10. That Bucaram doesn’t sound so bad. I expect all politicians to be corrupt, so I don’t hold that against him. If you’re going to be corrupt, why not be wildly entertaining at the same time?

  11. Butler as Attila looks yummy here, and i dont even like men with long hair ! 🙂

  12. Drooling over Mr Butler …

  13. Lorena Bobbitt is worth a Myra Blog all on her own! She now has her own NfP company called Lorena’s Red wagon, supporting victims of domestic abuse. From the website it looks really well organised – but then, Lorena wouldn’t want to be involved with anything half-cocked….

    • hahahahahahahahahahahaahahaaha!

  14. I could be tempted into taking an interest in politics if such a person existed here … *thinks* … there is Boris Johnson I suppose …

  15. That Lorena’s rather lovely.

    • It’s a good photo isn’t it Syncy?

  16. I sang the Banarama song “Venus” at Karaoke the other night. I should never be allowed to become president. I would be issuing more apologies than policies.

  17. I’ve decided that Fabulous Stories is going to be my drag queen name, should I decide to become one.

    • Ha! That’s something I’d like to see

  18. Perhaps he had lunch with Lorena because he needed to make cuts

  19. I just wish we had politicians like that…and as for that Lorena, she certainly gets to the pint doesn’t she?

  20. Probably the best looking pic of Lorena ever taken.

  21. I am so loving your Mad Ruler posts xxx

    • And I’m loving your fuzzy picture series

  22. Without pulling any punches, I’d really like to fuck Ms Lorena until she could no longer stand.

  23. Last time I tried “being myself” there was a short but rather nasty court case!

  24. Okay I have to write something apart from laughing at all the penis jokes but really, this was superb. Can you send it to Tony Abbott because I think it would be right up his alley.

  25. Looks like an insane chef. I wonder if he ever owned a cat?

  26. I would vote for President Batman, because Batman is the smartest person on Earth.

  27. To the bat kitchen to re-count the bat knives! 🙂

  28. Lorena looks like she could handle eight inches…

    Of carving knife that is.

    The King

  29. I wish our own dear Wayne Swan had borrowed a little entertainment value from this man last week. The budget to the accompaniment of dancing girls would have been so much more fun.

  30. Compared to the Russian and Spanish royalty stories, this guy sounds completely normal. I don’t see the problem.

  31. Is there any such thing as a sane leader?

  32. I’m not sure I think he’s crazy – just colorful. Might vote for him in my community as shaving a moustache is easier to take than shaving the budget for early-childhood education.

  33. Somehow I never pictured Attila the Hun being anywhere near as attractive as Gerald Butler. I always thought he’d be played by Gary Busey.

  34. Are there any national leaders who aren’t either lunatics, idiots, megalomaniacs or greedy bastards?

  35. Hot DAMN, Butler. Hot fucking damn. I am so glad Bobbit never got her hands on him.

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