friday babydoll, no corsetry

 don’t forget next friday is T-Shirt Friday. Past participants have been 70s, daisyfae, dolce, surftwin, silverstar and anniegirl…… lizza and sylvied could probably be persuaded to join in too. if I’ve missed any participants out please remind me and I’ll add the links.

Published in: on October 24, 2008 at 8:54 am  Comments (31)  

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31 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. That bow looks as if it would untie with a single pull!

  2. Black and red – my favourites.

  3. I know. and I still have the fan to prove it 🙂

  4. Fabulous! Did you lose the red stripes in your hair?

    i’ll be playing along for t-shirt friday. Had planned one from the Galapagos, but stumbled on one yesterday that is a “must do” first!

  5. no, the stripes are still there, just seem to be obscured in that shot

  6. Oooh, naughty Myra…very nice.

    I’ll be joining in, but with a difference, since I’ve run out of T-shirts. Plans are being made, as we speak. *grin*

  7. And don’t forget next Friday is Halloween, folks. I expect spooky T-shirts. Now I must peruse closet to see if i have any.

    BTW Nursie, that outfit doesn’t conceal much. But then again, it isn’t supposed to.

  8. Can you designate one t-shirt Friday as wet t-shirt Friday? Is that gauche of me to ask?

    I do take requests and dedications so will do a wet t-shirt sometime, just not next week

  9. Next Friday (Halloween) is my birthday. The big four-oh! …not sure I have a T for that, but I’ll try to find something just as scary. 😉

    Lovely baby-doll.

  10. Many good things come wrapped with bows…

  11. Not enough is being said about the second picture. I would just like to say, about the second picture, “Wow!”

  12. Hmmmmmm…. 😉

    You’re a tough act to follow, Nursey.

    (Add my “wow”! to the others’!)

  13. I am getting my pink put in again tomorrow …. so by close of play ‘October’ I will put up a t-shirt photee..

    dear NM nothing compares with you for the rest of the months calendar 😉

  14. haha 70s. I know you’re referring to the pink streaks in your hair but if you take that remark out of context…..

  15. Is that armpit hair in the second picture?

    Just askin’ . . .

    sure. and babies are delivered by flying storks….

  16. Beautiful!

    Hey, maybe you would like to smoosh your beautiful boobies in the name of art & for a good cause? Come see on my blog! 🙂

  17. Friday is my favorite day of the week

  18. Matty B loves fridays too. triple j always seem to be playing that song when I’m driving home from work at the end of a long week

  19. i love the hint… the wisp…

  20. Aw, it’s peeking out to say hi to us! Hello there!

  21. Nursie, I think your armpits need a quick buzz with the Gillette…


    It’s not her armp…?

    ……oh my goodness gracious.

  22. Get them all to get their act together …… you can do it!

  23. I have been terribly remiss in my ogling duties of late, so to compensate for my shocking lack of form, I shall be having a good, hard ogle at these lovely pictures tonight.


  24. my vocabulary is quite small
    is almost the same as saying
    i’m speechless. beautiful.

  25. I always wonder if there is an uncensored set of nursemyra pictures and if so, how can I have them. LOL! Lovely as always.

  26. Oh yes that’s right joining in on Friday…must put that on my diary…70 is right we are just pussy cats i comparison 😉

  27. Wow…if I got one of these I’ll bet I get that Guitar I asked my husband to get me for my b-day…
    fingers crossed N.M.

    anita marie

  28. *!*

    (left speechless)

  29. ah Cew! you’ve stopped lurking…… 🙂

  30. […] hope everyone I mentioned last week is posting their photographs soon and I’ve heard rumours that there will be at least one new […]

  31. Wow!

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