druid doings

The origins of the Ancient Order of Druids are largely mysterious. However, it is known that it was founded in 1781 in London, and it arose at a time when voluntary societies and clubs were becoming particularly popular….


During the latter part of the reign of Queen Victoria, there was a Welsh archdruid, Owen Morgan, who believed and publicly taught that Jesus Christ was a phallic symbol.

Queen Victoria’s wedding shoes found here

To do him justice, Morgan was anything but coy about the matter. He began his book with a note warning the incautious reader to expect explicit talk about phallic worship. He devoted pages to the task of exposing the Ark of the Covenant as the symbolic vulva of the earth goddess.

image found here

A full chapter expounds the solar and sexual mysteries of the Tabernacle erected by the Israelites in the wilderness. Another interprets the ritual of the Day of Atonement as a symbolic orgy of astronomy and sex, in which the High Priest enters the Holy Place and is reborn from it, or, in Morgan’s own inimitable prose, experiences a new birth “through the hairy eastern outlet of the Virgin of Israel“.

click for more photos of very long hair

It may seem strange from a modern perspective to use a label such as “phallic religion” to describe Morgan’s theory, but it’s a thoroughly Victorian oddity. The most widely respected medical textbook on human sexuality published in England during Queen Victoria’s reign, Dr. William Acton’s massive tome The Functions and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs (1857), mentions women twice and vaginas not at all. For Acton, as for most male Victorians, “reproductive organs” meant penises and testicles. Vaginas were utterly taboo – a taboo so rarely breached that when the avant-garde French painter Gustave Courbet painted a woman’s genitals and titled the painting L’Origine du Monde (“The Origin of the World,” 1866), the rich private collector who commissioned it kept it in his dressing room with a veil hanging in front of it.**

Nude With Veil found here

**original article found here

Published in: on February 23, 2011 at 6:55 am  Comments (42)  
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42 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Christ, is that a cigar?

    • It’s whatever you want it to be

      • Cigar? What cigar? All I can think of is Bill Clinton and I can’t find him mentioned anywhere.

      • Perhaps mothboy is talking about the staffs in the Churchill image….?

  2. “interprets the ritual of the Day of Atonement as a symbolic orgy of astronomy and sex”….

    Last I checked Yom Kippur is a miserable day of fasting, reflecting on a year of sins and hanging out for Mum’s chicken soup. I will suggest the above to the rabbi. Might get more punters into the synagogue on the big day.

    • Be sure to give Owen and me the credit 😉

  3. How times have changed. Now we keep pictures of naked women on our computers hidden behind screen-savers.

    • I never used to bother with a screen saver on Fridays……

      • *giggle*

      • Funny 😉

  4. “Dr. William Acton’s massive tome” *giggles*

    • “Gingernuts” *giggles*

  5. Most ancient religions were based in fertility cults. When the seasonal overflow of the Nile occurs the land is re-enriched. This is because the overflow carrying fresh soil and moisture is the yearly resurrection of Isis, the river. Ceres(grain/harvest) is important in Roman mythology. Without the fertility of the soil and the rain these civilizations would collapse and so symbols of the phallus and womb are ever present in ancient cultures.Morgan probably knew these things but to call Jesus and such things sexual implements is quite a stretch. In Judaism and Christianity it is the soul that is fertilized through covenant with God not the land or crops or the womb. Salvation is the product of harvesting souls.Apparently Morgan did not understand the concept of metaphor.

    • Morgan apparently did not understand many things

  6. I saw a hilarious play last year about how women’s orgasms were once considered a form of mania. Doctors used vibrators to treat their “illness.”

  7. I think i might like to join a Druid club, sounds like a rocking good time.

  8. what? men of that era believed all sexuality revolved around their penises? who knew? good thing that still isn’t the case…. oh, wait…

    • Only a brave or foolhardy man would raise that issue with you daisyfae 😉

    • Of course it did – and does! Equality simply means not opening doors, doesn’t it?

  9. Dude, if the Jews I know were told of their history of astronomy and sex, they would blush and blister at the thought of such blatant sexuality.

    • Rassles – may I introduce you to Mitzi Burger (in the comments section above) and Ricardo (on my sidebar)? Two very sexy Jews I’d like to see blush and blister together

      • I don’t want to see anyone blister, that’s not a good sign if you know what i mean.

      • I’m a Jew and I currently have a blister on my foot, but it’s not from too much sex or astronomy. Probably.

  10. We used to go see the Druids doing their worship of the stones at Stonehenge when we first went to the Stonehenge music festival, in following years we were too stoned to bother.

  11. I was about to leave a completely inappropriate Star Wars comment, but then I realized you were talking about ‘Druids’ not ‘Droids’. D-oh! 🙂

    • Hey SpLiNk, welcome to the Gimcrack

      • Why, thank you! 🙂

  12. It’s those wacky Victorians again – John Ruskin was said to be so shocked to discover his wife had pubic hair that he was unable to consummate the marriage….for SIX years.

    • I thought he never consummated it…didn’t Millais do the job for him in the end?

  13. I gagged a little thinking about how much hair would be left in the shower drain from that woman.

    • did you click the link and look at the other photos too?

  14. I want thoes shoes! But as flatties. Gorgeoir!

    • Beautiful aren’t they?

  15. An orgy of astronomy and sex? Must be really hard to look through a telescope while banging a girl from behind.

  16. This post is pure filth, I’m averting my gaze. All these shocking V-words, I think I need the smelling salts. I can’t help dwelling on the woman with the long hair though. How on earth does she carry it around with her? Does she have a little shopping trolley to stow it in?

  17. LOL phallic symbol. Puts a spin on communion, doesn’t it?

  18. It’s obvious that I’m tired. At first I thought you were saying that Gustave Courbet literally painted some woman’s genitals.

  19. “The hairy eastern outlet of the Virgin of Israel“ – sheer poetry.

  20. I made a remark in jest about druids on facebook and a bunch of them came out of the woodwork to attack me. Druids are here and real nurse!!!

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